Do you know the consequences of tooth loss? Have you ever wondered how a dental implant is placed in your jaws? Dental implants are designed to have the same function and appearance as natural teeth. Although the implanted teeth have a better function than natural teeth and are guaranteed to be your lifetime teeth, they might not be the right choice for anyone. Dental implant surgery can occur in any dental clinic with the needed facility and tools. Tooth loss can cause dental drift, jawbone loss, and many other side effects that will reduce oral health and patient confidence.
What Are the Tooth Loss Consequences?
As a dental specialist at a dental implant center in Thornhill, any lost their teeth to injury and tooth decay. They are missing a tooth is a sad and painful experience. Missing a front tooth can directly influence speaking ability and force someone to hide their smile and feel uneasy while eating or talking. Tooth loss will change the facial features and give a person an older look and thinner chick. Crooked teeth are another consequence. People with missing teeth are more prone to periodontal disease and digestive issues. The dental implant should be done immediately after tooth removal to prevent adverse effects.
The Benefits of Dental Implants
The benefit of dental implants in appearance is not deniable, so the dental implant can be counted as a cosmetic dental service that improves your smile and enhances your happiness. You can chew any food you want with a dental implant. However, your dentist will recommend avoiding biting hard foods because it would break the crown section of your dental implant. Since there are no nerves in the implanted tooth, there will be no toothache, which is the best thing about dental implants.
The Risk of Dental Implant
Like any other surgery, dental implant surgery can have some risks. However, dental implants are rarely risky and can be treated easily in most cases. Placing a metal object on your jaws would create infection in the surrounding area. Some symptoms, like severe pain and noticeable gum inflammation, will indicate the possibility of infection. The implant surgery could fail when there is an unstoppable and massive infection or lack of jawbone to support the screw part of the dental implant. People should quit smoking after dental implant surgery to decrease the possibility of gum disease or infection. Your dentist will prescribe you antibiotics and explain the necessary dental care in detail to lower the risk of dental implant rejection.
What Are the Alternatives for Dental Implants?
Fortunately, there are other solutions to fill the missing tooth gap if you are not a good candidate for a dental implant or are not old enough to do the surgery. The dentist recommends using a denture or inserting a dental bridge to fill the gap. Both have pros and cons based on the use and procedures needed to get them. Dentures and dental bridges are cheaper than dental implants, but they do not have the desirable function and comfort.