Physical Health Effects of Marijuana

Physical Health Effects of Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana has many people questioning the effects it may have on physical health. Marijuana is a drug that can be addictive and harmful to mental and physical health, but there are pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. The article below will explore these effects in more detail so you can decide for yourself if this topic is worth discussing further.

1. Respiratory Effects

One important physical health concern is the potential risk of cancer caused by smoking marijuana. Marijuana smoke contains many of the same toxins as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations, and there are some similarities between the two drugs’ effects on the lungs. However, little research has been done on how smoking marijuana affects lung cancer, and existing studies suggest that smoking marijuana alone does not lead to lung cancer. The bottom line is that more research on the respiratory effects of marijuana needs to be done, but there is evidence of some risk associated with smoking marijuana.

Although most studies have found no link between long-term marijuana smoking and lung cancer, a few have suggested an increased risk in certain subgroups. The strongest evidence so far comes from a large case-controlled study of 480,000 individuals in India. This study suggested that current or past marijuana smokers were at an elevated risk for lung cancer compared to individuals who did not smoke marijuana.

2. The Heart

Findings on the possible link between marijuana smoking and heart disease have been mixed, but several studies suggest that there is an increased risk. For example, one study found that smoking marijuana was associated with significantly reduced blood flow to regions of the heart, as well as enlargement of some areas of the heart. The bottom line is that little information is available on the potential cardiovascular effects of smoking marijuana, and there is a need for more studies to determine whether or not it can damage the heart.

In all likelihood, marijuana affects the same parts of the brain as those affected by nicotine. In fact, as mentioned earlier, many experts believe that taking care of your body is just as important as taking care of your brain. This means avoiding risky behaviors, including smoking marijuana, which has been linked to mental health problems.

3. Cognition

Heavy marijuana smoking has been linked to poorer cognitive functioning, including lower scores on standardized tests of intelligence. It is not yet clear why this link exists, but the attention of heavy marijuana smokers may be impaired due to structural changes in areas of the brain that are affected by THC.

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4. Mental Health

Although many people believe that smoking marijuana has no lasting effects on the brain, research shows that heavy marijuana use can lead to changes in both brain structure and function. Scientists have found a number of structural changes in both the gray matter and white matter of the brains of heavy marijuana smokers. These individuals also seem to perform more poorly than non-marijuana smokers on tests of memory, attention, and decision-making.

In addition to physical health effects, marijuana use can have a significant impact on an individual’s life in terms of relationships, productivity, school or work performance, and legal status. There is evidence that it impairs short-term memory and comprehension, slows reaction time, and affects hand-eye coordination. This may cause problems with driving, performing everyday activities, and caring for oneself. Individuals who use marijuana regularly may have more relationship problems and are less likely to finish school or pursue a career than those who do not smoke marijuana.

5. Long-Term Effects on Life Outcomes

One of the most significant effects of drug abuse is addiction–a chronic disease characterized by drug-seeking and compulsive behavior. The transition from abuse to addiction is related to the way in which drugs affect the brain–especially areas involved in reward and motivation, learning and memory, and control over behavior.

The bottom line is that heavy marijuana smokers may experience some of the same health problems that tobacco users do, including branch retinal vein occlusion, respiratory infections, coughs, and bronchitis. Also, excess usage of marijuana may need treatment. If you know someone who is addicted to marijuana and shows the symptoms, its advised to look for a rehabilitation center in West Palm Beach or other treatment options.