Dental veneers are personalized dental coverings specifically crafted to enhance the look of teeth and fulfill the desire for a dazzling and aligned smile. These veneers can significantly transform the appearance of your teeth, and an intriguing aspect is that you can select the color and size of these custom-made shells.
As a dentist at a dental clinic in Orangeville states, to fix the dental veneers, the dentist may need to remove a thin enamel layer from the tooth surface gently. It’s important to note that dental veneers are not intended to strengthen the teeth but rather to safeguard the outer layer. In the subsequent sections, we will explore various dental concerns that can be effectively addressed using dental veneers.
The Tooth Discoloration
Professional teeth whitening and dental veneers are the two main options for teeth discoloration. The difference between these two options is the outcome of them. Professional teeth
whitening can only remove the stains and brighten the color of your teeth by 2 or 3 shades of their previous color, while you can choose the color of your dental veneer. I recommend you choose a color that does not significantly contrast with your natural teeth’ color.
Worn-out Teeth
You can consider dental veneers if some of your teeth are chipped or cracked but still have healthy roots and pulp. Dental veneers address all the dental flaws at the same time. Dental veneers will cover uneven edges and the fractured parts naturally. Many patients have been getting dental veneers for years and feel satisfied with their smiles.
Gapped Teeth ( Diastema)
Sometimes, your teeth are too small for your jawbone, and teeth are gapped and misshaped. Foods trapped in the gap between your teeth and you are getting gum disease for the issue. In these circumstances, the cosmetic dentist offers you dental veneers or eliminates the gap via orthodontic treatment. Orthodontics has a long procedure, but dental veneers fill the gap efficiently and immediately. Therefore, many patients prefer dental veneers over orthodontic treatment.
What Is The Best Age for Getting Dental Veneer?
The above question is a common question that obsesses the patient’s mind; they want to know whether they are eligible for dental veneers. It depends on the patient’s oral condition, but performing dental veneers before the teeth and jawbone fully develop is not good. An underlying dental issue can stop the dentist from performing teeth veneer service for the patient. Gum disease and tooth decay, your dental issues must be treated before any cosmetic dental service is done for you. It is important to note that dental veneers have a certain lifespan, and they should be changed after 10 or 15 years. Hygiene dental care is critical and will increase the life span and oral health. You can consult the cost, side effects and maintenance of dental veneers with your cosmetic dentist. You should choose an experienced cosmetic dentist with enough skills in this field to guide you and answer all of the questions you have in mind.