The Complete Guide to Nail Fungal Infections

Fungus diseases might infect any area of the body. Along with different types of bacteria, the body typically contains fungi as well. Nail fungus or infection is common if proper feet care routine is not followed. At the bottom of your toenail or even fingernail, at start it will be yellow-brown or white patch. The nail thickens, discolors, and crumbles at the edge as the fungus spreads deeper.

You might not need therapy if your illness is moderate. Self-care measures and drugs may be helpful if your nail fungus is uncomfortable and has thickened your nails. However, even with effective therapy, nail fungus frequently returns.

Onychomycosis, often known as a fungal toenail infection, is typically brought on by a particular kind of fungus called a dermatophyte and is treatable using toenail laser therapy. This particular variety of toenail fungi is restricted to the skin’s outer layer and spreads gradually to the toenail plate. Although it can infect any nail, onychomycosis frequently happens in the big toenail.

Toenail fungus affects millions of Americans and the successful therapy for this infection is toenail fungus laser treatment. It might lead to further discomfort in addition to the toenail’s visible thickness and discoloration. Toenail fungus infections may also cause other signs and issues, including ingrown toenails, bacterial infections, athlete’s foot, and toenail infections.

If you are searching for a podiatrist in Irvine, Orange County, California, you might want to schedule a consultation with the podiatry office of Dr. Sima Soltani. With their FDA-approved laser devices, they specialize in curing toenail fungus. Thanks to their laser toenail fungus removal therapy.

Reasons for Developing Toenail Fungus Infection:

  • As fungus like warm, humid environment, spending excess time in such environment may naturally cause infection.
  • The fungi that cause ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot can also infect nails.
  • You might have developed a fungal infection if you have encountered a person who already has one.
  • Wearing shoes where the toes and nails are in a warm and damp environment, fungal infections are more common to happen.
  • If you do not clean tools like nail clippers and emery boards before using them, they might pass on fungal illnesses from one person to another.
  • Used and unhygienic instruments for manicure and pedicure.

What are the Risk Factors?

The following things can make you more likely to get nail fungus:

  • Old age.
  • Wearing footwear that causes significant foot perspiration
  • Due to athlete’s foot in the past
  • Keeping bare feet in moist public spaces like showers, gyms, and swimming pools
  • Having a tiny wound on the skin or nails
  • Having a skin ailment like psoriasis that damages the nails
  • Suffering from diabetes, issues with blood flow, or a compromised immune system

Nail Fungus Types:

·        White superficial infection:

This type of fungal infection infects toenails. A specific fungus infects the nail’s upper layers and leaves the nail with distinct white patches.

·        Distal subungual infection:

The most frequent form of nail fungal infection, known as distal subungual infections, can affect both fingernails and toenails.

·        Proximal subungual infection:

Although they are uncommon, proximal subungual infections can influence both toenails and fingernails. Yellow spots start to form at the base of the nail as the infection travels up the nail.

A serious case of nail fungus can be uncomfortable and potentially harm your nails permanently. Though we have laser treatment for toenail fungus and other nail fungal infections, you need to follow certain cleanliness habits.

Keep your nails dry and spotless. Regularly cleanse your feet and hands. After thoroughly drying, dust on some anti-fungal foot powder on the infected nail and hydrate your nails.

Trim your nails regularly. Make sure to keep the nail edges smooth. Cut nails straight across. After each usage, disinfect your nail clippers. Allowing your nails to grow long gives the fungus more places to spread.

If self-care routine is not followed and the nail gets more discolored, thicker or malformed, you might have to consult a doctor. If you have diabetes and suspect developing nail fungus, blood surrounding the nail, discomfort or swelling around the nails, or having trouble walking then consult your doctor immediately.

You might need to take the prescribed treatments for months, depending on the kind of fungus that is infected and how severe is it. In most cases, topical treatments are ineffective for treating toenail fungal infections.