Cramped and stressed muscles are the cause of great discomfort and fatigue. When muscles are aching, finding relief often becomes top priority. They are usually caused by tiredness and stress and merely indicate an underlying health issue. If you face frequent muscle pains and discomfort here are a few ways to get rid of it. These tips will help you maintain good muscle health and wake up fresh and enthusiastic all week.
Correct your posture
Most muscle discomfort and problems are caused by a wrong body posture. Working on your computer bending shoulders forward or using the wrong pillow can lead to shoulder and neck muscle stiffness. Try maintaining a healthy posture, keep your back straight and your shoulders upright. While studying or reading use a comfortable office chair with proper support for shoulders and neck. Get a medicated pillow which ensures good neck posture while sleeping.
Stretch it out
Stretching is a great way to relieve muscle tension and pain. It increases blood circulation and reduces discomfort. You can perform basic stretches by yourself at home. A 20-30 minutes stretching session in the morning can keep you active all day long. Yoga can be a great addition to your morning routine if you are dealing with frequent cramps and fatigue. Some experts in medical massage centers and spas can also help you stretch in case you don’t know how to do it right.
Apply cold compress
In case your pain does not go away after a good night’s sleep, there is a great chance of underlying muscle injury or swelling. In that case applying a cold compress can be of great help. Cold or hot compresses allow muscles to release stress and enhance blood flow. Apply an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel to the sore area. Hold it for a few minutes, and repeat at least twice a day.
Hot water bath
A warm bath is a great way to relax your whole body. Hot water improves muscle expansion and allows cramped muscles to relax. If you have a sore body after a long day at work, a hot water bath can help you relieve body ache and discomfort. For better stress release it is recommended to stay in the hot bath for at least 15 to 20 minutes. This will relieve most of the common muscle aches and sores.
Seek professional help
If the above mentioned tips do not seem to work then your muscle pain might be a symptom of some underlying sickness or disease. Often bone diseases show their initial signs in forms of weakened muscles and tendons. Cramps can be a symptom of weakness and deficiencies and might be better resolved with proper medication. Seeing a doctor or getting physical therapy services is the right thing to do in case your muscle pain lasts more than 48 hours.
Usually muscle pains are not a serious issue and can be relieved by simple home remedies. However, under particular circumstances muscle pains may get extreme and unmanageable at home. In case your muscle pains seem to cause too much fatigue or discomfort, seek expert advice.