A Complete Guide to Infertility in Men and Women

Every one of us develops a strong desire to conceive and enjoy the parenthood at some point of time. A healthy couple is able to achieve pregnancy within one year of trying. Infertility can be termed as inability to achieve childbirth after trying for a year. In such a case, the couple is advised to seek medical assistance so that the treatment can be provided at the right time. It has also been observed that many people get positive results after changing the lifestyle and food habits. Sometimes, the doctor advices to have intercourse at certain days of the month to get pregnant, which in turn, gives positive results in pregnancy.

Early signs of infertility

Some people look healthy and also follow healthy lifestyle. However, they face a lot of problems in achieving pregnancy. Some of the early signs of infertility are explained below:

  • In females, irregular menstrual cycle and cysts are the early signs of pregnancy. If a female is not getting periods on a monthly basis for quite a sometime, it indicates that the egg formation is not proper within the body. Likewise, cysts are another signs of infertility in woman
  • In men, erectile dysfunction and other sexual abnormalities may be the early signs of infertility. However, the doctor will perform a sperm analysis before making any statement about the infertility in such a case.
  • If any of the partners have history of miscarriage, STDs or any sexual complication, it may result in infertility. The treatment of this type of infertility depends on individuals.
  • Age factor plays a vital role in infertility. It has been observed that both man and woman have lesser chances of achieving pregnancy after 40 years than young age.

If you want to get more information about infertility, you should get in touch with a health care provider in your city.