All About Orthopaedic Physiotherapy You Should Know

The orthopaedic physiotherapy is a branch of mainstream physiotherapy which specifically deals with the disorders or injuries in the skeletal system and concerned muscles as well as associated joints and ligaments. The orthopaedic physiotherapy also associates pre and post-surgery rehabilitation of knee, shoulder and hip, and is a scientific medical approach with evidence-based standard guidelines. If you are suffering from any type of skeletal injuries or chronic pain in the knee or shoulder, or have undergone hip replacement, you should get in touch with a reliable and qualified orthopaedic physiotherapist like CareAxis for regaining the normal functioning and for quick recovery.

The orthopaedic physios would carry out a clinical assessment and workout an implantation plan. They search for the source of the problem, analyse the entire conditions of the problem, and then try to prevent a reoccurrence of the problem through various exercises and other numerous methodologies. The basic objectives of the physiotherapy are to help and guide the patient to help himself or herself from getting relief of the pains, increase the joint range and improve the flexibilities, and restore strength so that his or her body functions normally.

The basic orthopaedic physiotherapy deals with ligament strains, tear or sprains, rehabilitation in the cases of fractures, inflammation of Bursa or tendons, Osteo-arthritis, Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, spondylolysis, and surgical rehabilitation of the shoulder, hip, knee, foot and ankle. Pre-surgical physiotherapy is considered very necessary for quick recovery of post-surgery conditions and to reduce stay in hospital. For example, joint physiotherapy can be systematically maintained and improved through pre-surgery physiotherapy sessions which eventually helps the patient for quick recovery of post-surgery conditions and complications.

The orthopaedic physiotherapy includes manual therapy, massage techniques, ultrasound therapy, interferential therapy, neuromuscular stimulation, dry-needling, acupuncture, tapping for joint, and various exercises for rehabilitation. The manual therapy is a systematic and graded system of moving the joints to reduce pain and restore normal function and mobility of the joint. Similarly, there are different types massaging methods and vary from relaxing lighter massaging to deep friction massaging and breakdown of scar tissues in the muscle or ligaments.

The reduction of pain and regeneration of powers in the tissues is done through ultrasound therapy which ultimately produces ultrasonic waves that are transmitted to the affected areas. The ultrasound therapy is significantly helpful in recovering the injuries in the soft tissues. The ultrasound therapy further helps enormously in relaxing the muscles.