An ample research and greatest breakthroughs are conducted in the anti-aging department. When as an individual, when you create an anti-aging skin care regime, you don’t need to get acquainted with the tiniest aspect of science of anti-aging. There are many ways to create a daily anti-aging regime that is suitable for your skin. The most you can do here is learn about the ABCs of this very subject to help you make smart decisions when creating a regime.
- Vitamin A
This is the source of retinol. It builds and fixes the collagen and elastin and keeps your skin color uniform and protected. It is suggested by Clinique Anti Aging to use a retinol product on your skin in the night time as it boosts the amount of vitamin A into your body and when you eat a balanced diet loaded with leafy greens and other greens, you are doing yourself a huge favor. If everything fails, try taking a few supplements.
- Beauty sleep
Probably the best way to fight aging is by having a sound sleep every night. When you are sleep deprived, your body secretes more cortisol and stops the amount of human growth hormone you secrete. The manner in which you sleep is also considered into the aging process. When you sleep facing down, it puts more pressure on your face and increases fine lines.
- Chemical peels
These peels tend to use concentrated forms of AHAs that help in shedding and regenerating the skin cells in no time. Most of these peels are originated from fruit acids and you can also find home treatments that have low acidic content. Chemical peels tend to fix the issues like sun damage and lines forming around the eyes and mouth.
- Vitamin D
Direct exposure to sunlight or tanning in a salon are not the only ways to make the most of vitamin D in your body. This will only age your skin rapidly. However, vitamin D is essential in soaking in the calcium that helps in aiding healthy cell turnover. Increase the consumption of fish, dairy, mushrooms etc. to have more vitamin D in your body.
- Exfoliate
Exfoliating is important when creating a daily skin care regime. We suggest you to exfoliate at least once per week in the nighttime and then doing it more with what your skin can bear. Be wary if you have sensitive skin. Chemical exfoliant contains citric, lactic, or glycolic acids. Mechanical agents use some grain or bead. But always be wary of the ingredients and if they are suitable for your skin type or not.